Wednesday, March 14, 2007

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You can add your Google Adsense ID and we will begin cycling your ads at a ratio of 50% for you and 50% for us.That means for every 10 visitors, 5 will see you ad.

Monday, February 19, 2007

I try many times to run IM+ buy don't wonk on my N7710. Every times when a press connect button the aplication will close.
Anti Moskito is only for fun. I tested and has no effect. My mobile was on a chair and a moskito came and land on my phone, and all of this with my "greatest" software on.

In conclusion AntiMoskito has no efect. I don't tested yet on a crikets.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

My Best Call Recorder don't work from a while. Initiali i set-up to record calls on my phone automaticaly but aftel few days stops. Is not a problem of full memory, i belive after some time it crash. My phone mobile Nokia 7710 is never closed. Perhaps is recomanded to restart phone from time to time.

My symbiat work great bat work very slowly. I am very courious if windows mobile work soo slowly on a 150 Mhz processor.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

I will come with new information here soon. I work at a gsm sms gateway, and I will put here some information